Uniformenportal von Napoleon Online

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Eigth (Kings) Regiment of Foot
Eigth (Kings) Regiment of Foot

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England - (Hochland-) Schotte
England - (Hochland-) Schotte

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England - Gardeinfanterie 1815
England - Gardeinfanterie 1815

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England - Holländische Brigade 1799-1802
England - Holländische Brigade 1799-1802

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England - Holländische Brigade 1799-1802
England - Holländische Brigade 1799-1802

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England - Infanterie
England - Infanterie

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England - Infanterie
England - Infanterie

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England - Legion Salm 1795
England - Legion Salm 1795

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England - Regiment Waldstein 1795-1798
England - Regiment Waldstein 1795-1798

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Englische Truppen
Englische Truppen

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Fifth (Northumberland) Regiment of Foot
Fifth (Northumberland) Regiment of Foot

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First (Royal) Regiment of Foot
First (Royal) Regiment of Foot

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Fourth (Kinds Own) Regiment of Foot
Fourth (Kinds Own) Regiment of Foot

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Hannoversches Militär (KGL)
Hannoversches Militär (KGL)

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Ninth (East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot
Ninth (East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot

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