Uniformenportal von Napoleon Online

Willkommen im Bildbereich mit Uniformserien, Portraits und Realien zu den Armeen von 1789 bis 1815.

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Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards
Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards

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Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards
Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards

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Danzig - Grenadier-Bataillon Nr. 1, 1808
Danzig - Grenadier-Bataillon Nr. 1, 1808

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England - Gardeinfanterie 1790
England - Gardeinfanterie 1790

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England - Gardeinfanterie 1815
England - Gardeinfanterie 1815

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England - Infanterie
England - Infanterie

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England - Linieninfanterie 1811
England - Linieninfanterie 1811

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First Regiment of Foot Guards
First Regiment of Foot Guards

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First Regiment of Foot Guards
First Regiment of Foot Guards

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Frankfurt - Grenadiere 1806
Frankfurt - Grenadiere 1806

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Frankfurt - Infanterie 1809
Frankfurt - Infanterie 1809

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Frankfurt - Infanterie 1809
Frankfurt - Infanterie 1809

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Frankfurt - Nationalgarde 1812
Frankfurt - Nationalgarde 1812

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vue 6796 fois